In: Entertainment, Meme, Pop Culture
Severance Memes both your ‘innie’ and your ‘outie’ will enjoy (40 Photos)
“Your outie has no idea you’re reading this.”
The Severance season two finale is upon us, and whether you’re waffle-party excited or clutching your break room tissues, we’re all in this together. To mark (bah-dum-tss) the occasion, we’ve gathered memes worthy of a defiant-jazz-themed-dance party.
But heed this warning, refiners: this gallery isn’t for everyone. If you’re uninitiated to the show, it might not be for you (and that’s totally okay).
If you are watching and haven’t finished the first nine episodes of this season, stop scrolling now. There are potential spoilers below that’ll hit harder than Helly R’s first elevator ride.
If you’re still here… grab your finger traps, praise Kier, and proceed on down the elevator.